Personal Profile: Editorial Board Journal of Disability and Oral Health
Personal Profile: Editorial Board Journal of Disability and Oral Health
Name: Professor Shelagh Thompson
Present appointment:
Professor, School of Dentistry University of Liverpool. UK
Honorary Consultant in Special Care Dentistry, Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust.
Editor, Journal of Disability and Oral Health, 2011-date
Qualifications: BDS, MPhil, Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis, PhD, MSND RCSEd Ad Laudem, FHEA, MFDS RCSEng, Specialist in Endodontics, Specialist in Special Care Dentistry.
Work contact details:
Journal of Disability and Oral Health
School of Dentistry University of Liverpool
Pembroke Place
Tel: +44-1517065215 (office)
Memberships / External Activities:
Executive committee member: British Society of Disability and Oral Health 2004 -date
Co-Chair Education Committee, International Association of Disability and Oral Health 2008-date
International Representative on IADH council for BSDH 2014-date
Past President of the British Society of Disability and Oral Health 2007-2008
Past Treasurer / Membership Secretary: Dental Sedation Teachers Group 2000-2006
Past Chair: Teachers Group, British Society of Disability and Oral Health 2006 to 2010
Past academic member Specialist Advisory Committee for Special Care Dentistry 2007-2014
Past academic member Joint Advisory Committee in Special Care Dentistry 2000 to 2007
British Society for Disability and Oral Health
British Society of Gerodontology
International Association for Disability and Oral Health
Irish Society for Disability and Oral Health
Dental Sedation Teachers Group
British Dental Association
Association for Dental Education in Europe
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy UK
Society for the Advancement of Anaesthesia in Dentistry
Association of Dental Anaesthetists
British Society of Medical and Dental Hypnosis
British Dental and Medical Acupuncture Society
British Endodontic Society
Teaching Profile:
Academic Lead for Special Care Dentistry, School of Dentistry University of Liverpool.
Co- Chair Education Committee, IADH, developing UG and PG curriculum guidance.
Co-chair Special Interest Group in Special Care Dentistry, ADEE.
Undergraduate: Development of undergraduate curriculum as:
Past Lead in Special Care Dentistry and Pain and Anxiety Control, Cardiff University 2002-2014.
Postgraduate: Past Programme Director, MSc Conscious Sedation, Cardiff University 2008-14.
Past Sedation and Special Care Dentistry Tutor for Wales, PGMDE, Wales Deanery.
Academic Supervisor, Specialty Training Programme Special Care Dentistry, Wales Deanery.
Awards / Prizes:
Excellence in Dental Education, Mature Educator Award, ADEE 2012.
Joint grant award NICE 2013-2014 (£25K)
British Endodontic Society Research Grant 1994
Research Interests:
Research Supervision: MPhil, MScD, MSc in Conscious Sedation 2002-date.
Undergraduate and postgraduate education in Special Care Dentistry, clinical and psychosocial management in Special Care Dentistry, conscious sedation and alternative sedation techniques, simulation training.
Clinical Interests- adolescents to older age
All clinical aspects of Special Care Dentistry using behavioural management including hypnosis, LA, conscious sedation, alternative sedation techniques and general anaesthesia.
Selected Publications: List titles of up to 4 publications
Guidance for the core content of a curriculum in Special Care Dentistry at the undergraduate level. Dougall A, Thompson S, Faulks D, Ting G, Nunn J. European Journal of Dental Education. 2013 DOI: 10.1111/eje.12054.
Safety and predictability of conscious sedation in dentistry- a multi-centre regional audit: South and West Wales experience. Muthukrishnan A, McGregor J, Thompson SA, British Dental Journal 215, E13 (2013) Pub online: 11 October 2013 doi:10.1038/sj.bdj.2013.992
Developing an undergraduate dental curriculum in Special Care Dentistry – by consensus. Dougall A, Pani SC, Thompson S, Faulks D, Nunn J. European Journal of Dental Education 2012 Eur J Dent Educ, 17, 46-56.
The value of education in Special Care Dentistry as a means of reducing inequalities in oral health. Faulks D, Freeman L, Thompson S, Sagheri D, Dougall A. European Journal of Dental Education 2012. Eur J Dent Educ, 16, 195-201.doi:10.1111/j.1600-0579.2012.00736.x
Selected Projects/Publications in Special Care Dentistry: list up to 4
Allen M, Thompson S. An equivalence study comparing nitrous oxide and oxygen with low-dose sevoflurane and oxygen as inhalation sedation agents in dentistry for adults. British Dental Journal 217, E18 (2014). Pub online: 7 November 2014 | doi:10.1038/sj.bdj.2014.998
Kelly G, Pritchard M, Thompson S. The use of orofacial regulation therapy, including Palatal Plate Therapy, in the management of orofacial dysfunction in patients with Down syndrome.. Journal of Disability and Oral Health (2013) 14/1, 15-24.
Manley MCG, Ransford NJ, Lewis DA, Thompson SA, Forbes M. Retrospective audit of the efficacy and safety of the combined intranasal/intravenous midazolam sedation technique for the dental treatment of adults with learning disability. British Dental Journal 2008 Jul 26;205(2):E3; discussion 84-5. Epub 2008 Jun 13. PMID: 18545267 [PubMed- indexed for MEDLINE]
Thompson SA, Davies J, Allen M, Hunter M, Oliver S, Bryant S. Cardiac risk factors for dental knowledge among dental practitioners in Wales. British Dental Journal 2007 Nov 24;203(10):E21; discussion 590-1. Epub 2007 Sep 21. PMID: 17891117 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Additional Information:
Examiner MSND RCSEd for Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh 1999-date
Examiner for Tri-Collegiate Membership in Special Care Dentistry 2003-date
External, Kings College London, MSc / Diploma Special Care Dentistry / Sedation 2012-date
Past Examiner Trinity College Dublin, Doctorate in Special Care Dentistry 2007-2012
Past Examiner for Diploma in Special Care Dentistry RCS Eng 2006-2014